Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Summer Supper Recipes

Happy HUMP day everyone!

Yesterday morning Bex and I had planned to do a 4 miler outside, followed by Legs on Fire. But she sent me a text at like 1am that said Baby Bex had stomach virus and they were having a rough night.

So in my usual co-depentant fashion, I skipped the morning workout and went the gym yesterday after work.

And let me just tell you that it was SO. FREAKIN. HOT. at the gym. The AC was out, and it was 90 degrees inside the gym (I am not exaggerating...they have a wall thermometer there)! Miserable.

Somehow I was able to get in a sweat monster of a workout:

4 mile treadmill run: 41:30 minutes
Abbreviated Legs on Fire workout: about 15 minutes
About an hour in that oven was all I could bare. Here is a post-workout pic. The picture does not do my sweatiness justice!
Upon arriving home, I was greeted by these two fur nuggets:
Please excuse that dirty glass door. It stays dirty from these two constantly smashing their noses up against it.

The other day Reba and Rascal played tug-0f-war with an old towel for about thirty minutes. Well, it was less 'tug-of-war,' and more of just standing there like this:
It was a battle of the wits. Rascal eventually won when Reba gave in to the temptation of a treat (aka: ice cube).

As far as any updates on the Operation: Puppy front, we haven't had much action yet. Rascal frequently tries to 'put the moves' on Reba (so to speak) but she is not having it just yet.

So we'll see.

Time for some bragging on myself (as if that is a new and different subject)....

Last night I made *the best* healthy, summery supper. I wanted to share the quick recipes. The whole dinner came together in about 15 or 20 minutes.

On the Menu:
  • Honey-Glazed Salmon
  • Roasted Asperagus
  • Wild Rice
  • Tomato Mozzerella Salad

Starting with....


  • 1 bundle asperagus
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • lemon pepper seasoning

Preheat oven to 350. Simply cut off the woody ends of the aperagus and place in a baking dish or on a cookie sheet. Drizzle with olive oil (you don't need much). Sprinkle to taste with Lemon Pepper. Toss to coat, and bake for 15 mintues.

Next up....

Wild Rice:
  • One box of Uncle Ben's Long Grain & Wild Rice - Fast Cook Recipe

I know, I know....what kind of 'cook' uses box recipes? I do. There. I'll admit it. I have tried many 'from scratch' rice recipes, and it just doesn't make sense to go to the trouble when this box mix only takes about 12 minutes and is a no-brainer. It's just soooooo easy and soooooo good!

You basically dump the contents of the box in 1 3/4 cups of water. Bring to boil. Cover, reduce heat and let simmer for 5 minutes. Awesome and easy!

The star of the show....

Honey - Glazed Salmon:
  • honey
  • low-sodium soy sauce
  • balsamic vinigar
  • minced garlic
  • black pepper
  • salmon filets

Mix first five ingredients together. Use a little of each and give it a taste. Add more of some ingredients as you like. I literally just threw this together quickly and didn't make any measurments. Don't be scared about 'eye-balling' this marinade because you really can't mess it up.

Marinade salmon filets skin-down for 30 minutes to two hours.

Put a saucepan on the stove over medium heat and allow it to warm up a little. Fish is very oily on it's own so you don't need any oil in the pan. Place filets SKIN SIDE DOWN in the warmed pan and cook for 5-7 minutes.

Turn filets over. Skin should peel off easily. If the skin does not peel easily, they need some more time skin-side down.
Continue cooking on this side 5-7 minutes or until salmon flakes easily with a fork. Feel free to add in the remaining marinade to the pan for extra flavor. Your kitchen will smell DIVINE.

And finally.....

Tomato - Mozzarella Salad:
  • Two ripe tomotoes
  • Fresh Mozzarella cheese
  • Fresh basil
  • teeny tiny drizzle of olive oil

Slice up tomatoes and cheese. To store remaining cheese, place in a tupperware dish with a little bit of water in the bottom to help cheese stay fresh and moist.

Layer tomatoes with cheese, and top with olive oil and basil. Omigah soooooo good, fresh, and summery!

And here is the finished product:
What's not to love about this? DELISH!
Wrap up your healthy meal with my FAVE healthy ice cream. If you have not tried this you are missing out. You'll thank me later, I promise.

A note from the chef....

I realize that some of you readers might think, "That is a lame, easy meal! I can cook much more gourmet than that!" With our lifestyle and appetite, this is about as gourmet as we get in my house.

And others might be thinking: "That is amazing. I could never do that!" But you totally can.

I consider myself an 'intermediate' cook, and I am completely self-taught. There is nothing wrong with trying a new recipe or technique. Trial and error is the best way to learn how to cook anything....whether it be your week night staples or cooking for a special occasion.

Tom always says, "If you follow a recipe and it's not good, it's not a reflection on your cooking. It's just a bad recipe." So why not give a new dish a shot? If it's not good, just blame it on the recipe. :)

Have a great Wednesday, everyone! Weekend's almost here!

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