Thursday, September 16, 2010

Blog Award

It's Thursday...that means the weekend's almost here!

What am I saying...I have to work all day on Saturday so the weekend's NOT almost here for me! O-well, I still like Thursdays.

Last night as I mentioned yesterday, I had planned for a 6-miler on the treadmill.

Ummmmmmmm...not so much. The gym was so HOT again and I just flat-out wasn't feeling it. So I made it about 3.5 miles and called it quits. Pretty weak, I know.

I did my arm workout afterwards and was a sweaty mess! I figure a 60-minute sweat fest is a good workout any way you look at it. So I didn't let my lack of meeting my goal get me too down in the dumps. But seriously the gym was like 80 degrees in there! Just too hot for indoors!

Nonetheless, I went back for more this morning. Thursday is cross training day so I did 20 minutes on the Arc Trainer, 20 minutes on the Elliptical, and my Calorie Shred Workout.

Then it was home for a rewarding smoothie! My fave.

Speaking of rewarding...I got a bloggie award from Maranda over at Glimpses of My Journey Through Life. Thank you Maranda you are too sweet!
I'm also supposed to list 10 things that make me happy so here goes:
  • Fridays
  • A good sweat
  • Spending time in God's word
  • Watching Biggest Loser on the couch with Tom and Reba
  • Wine
  • Pumpkin-flavored things
  • Cupcakes
  • Payday (like, actual payday, not the candy bar)
  • Coming home to a made bed
  • Smoothies!

Hope everyone is enjoying their Thursday!

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