Thursday, September 2, 2010

R&R: The Saga Continues...

Warning: This post contains personal material about my dog that might gross you out. Just sayin'.

Okay so I know *everyone* is just dying to know what has become of the happy couple, Reba and Rascal.

They had a brief meeting last month when Raskee stayed with us for a week or two. However, The Reeb's biological clock was not cooperating like we had hoped. She wanted nothing to do with Rascal because she wasn't in heat yet.

The vet said it's normal for her cycle to be irregular because of the crazy hot weather, or just 'cause it's irregular. No big deal.

So we sent Rascal packin' and decided to bring him back into the picture when the time is right.

Well, folks, that time is now.

Dr. Grant said that we should introduce Rascal into the picture 8 days after Reba goes into heat. That is when she'll be the most fertile (who knew that by having a fur daughter I would become such an authority on the reproductive process of puppers).

So Rascal's family is going to drop him off today.

The deal is that we have to keep them apart, except for about an hour or so, once or twice daily. And we have to watch them during that hour to make sure...well...everything works out okay I guess.

I told Tom he could be in charge of the 'watching' because I didn't think I could stomach it. And it's just plain awkward.

So we're going to give it the 'ole college try again. I will update yall when we have fun pregnancy news!

I also want to mention something else here....many people think that in this day and age, with so many stray dogs out there, that is it wrong or irresponsible to breed dogs.

I want to be clear that this is a decision Tom and I made because our dog has been such a blessing to us, and she is very well behaved and was trained so easily. There are families out there who are nervous about adopting a dog because of the 'unknown.' When a family buys a puppy from a responsible breeder, they know what they're getting.

Yall know that I have such a heart for all the stray and unloved puppies out there, and have done what I can (and will continue to do what I can) to help the problem this we face in the South.

However, letting Reba have a litter of puppies is something that we have looked forward to for some time, and have a strong committment to do it responsibly. Her puppies will be healthy and safe from the moment they are born. They will be born into a loving home with very safe and clean living conditions. And we will make certain that they all go to loving, responsible homes.

Breeding my dog is not something that I will apologize for, but I respect the opinion of those that do not agree with it. Just wanted to let yall know where we stand in this process. :)

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