Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Smoothie Love

Okay so the St. Jude training page is up and completed. I'll be updating it as I go along. I am pumped about this page, because it motivates me and holds me accountable. With each day I have THE PAGE to answer to! lol.

Last night (as scheduled) I did an hour swim workout. Last time I swam I was really dredding it, and could only make it about 35 or 40 minutes. For some reason last night I was really feeling it.

The hour went by quickly, and I was able to complete the entire 60 minutes with only two short breaks.

I think this swim was easier than any in the past because I didn't have the distance and time goals of a triathlon looming over me. Last night I was just swimming for exercise. Just swimming for me. And it was great!

For my workout, I did 30 mintues of regular free style, 15 mintues with the paddles and pull buoy, and 15 mintues on the kick board.

This morning I did a solo sixer outside. It was so. f'ing. hot. when I started this morning at like 6:15. Why oh why MUST it always feel like there is a stifling blanket of sweat hanging in the air?!?!?

I am *ready* for this weather to chill out. Literally.

Although it was hot, this run was definitely better than my 5 miles on Monday afternoon. I only walked for about 1/5 of a mile to get my breath, and finished strong. I did the 6 miles in 1:07:03.

While I was excited I actually got out of bed to run by myself, I was really disappointed with this time. I am trying to get closer to a 10:30 minute mile rather than an 11 minute mile.

Reading some other running bloggers, these times make me feel so slow when my peers are running more like 8:30 or 9:00 minute miles. I don't think I could ever do that.

O-well, exercise is exercise any way you cut it. At least I was out there sweating and doing something. But still, I really don't want to run another half marathon at an 11 minute mile pace.

I am thinking instead of taking two REST days a week, I might just do one and add in a speed workout. We'll see. Six days a week is a lot for me, but if it means making a goal it would be well worth it.

Also, I am hoping that with cooler temps comes faster miles! If we can get the weather to cooperate maybe the 10 minute mile will be in my future.

So y'all remember the smoothies I made the other day? I have been loving them soooooo much, and use them to treat myself after a long hard workout.

My friend Nicole made one for her two-year-old son, Nolan. He (like many other kids I'm sure) doesn't really like to eat green stuff so the 'hidden spinach' was perfect! She said he loved it and said it was "Lelicious." Too cute.

We also made one for Lilly when she came over on Monday night. Sara Whit worries that she doesn't get enough milk, and there is a full serving of milk in the smoothie. Lilly loved it! She loved it so much that she insisted she hold the cup herself, therefore spilling it all down her front. She spent the rest of the evening clad in diaper-only. :)

It dawned on me that the smoothies are great for the kids because of all the goodness in them. They have a fully serving of fruit (nanner and strawberries), a full serving of dairy (use any dairy you want! I like 1% milk), and full serving of vegetables (one of the best veggies, at that....SPINACH!). Not to mention they taste like dessert.

Hope yall have a great Wednesday everyone! Half way to the weekend!

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