Monday, September 13, 2010

Overflowing Cup

Hey Gang, Happy Monday to you!

I had a great weekend, and I'm sure you're all wondering where I was!

I debated telling you where I was....I'm not sure why. But last night when we got home Tom said I should spread the Good News so I will. :)

I was given a wonderful opportunity to go on a spritual retreat in Grenada, Mississippi this weekend. It is called the Walk to Emmaus, and it was such a life changing weekend for me. I was able to make wonderful new friendships, learn a lot about myself, and sort-of recharge my spritual battery.

It was such a gift to be able to learn more about God's love for us, and to reach a place in my relationship with Him that I thought didn't exist...and thought I didn't deserve. If anyone out there ever has an opportunity to participate in this Walk, please take advantage of it! You have my word that you absolutely will not regret it. Please feel free to email me at if you have heard of this program and want to learn more.

As you all know, I try to focus this blog on healthy living, and my fitness journey but there are many times when I stray over to other topics like my personal life, family, DOG (hee hee...more on her tomorrow!), etc. I hope you don't mind, because all of the other aspects of my life really contribute to my health. That being said, I wanted to share something quickly that I learned this weekend.

For so long I was continually looking only towards outside resources, books, DVDs, diet plans, personal trainers, other blogs for advice and motivation in my health and weight-loss path. Althought these resources were necessary to my healthy growth, they weren't the whole package. When those things didn't fullfill a need, I finally took it a step further and figured out I could look to myself to find the motivation I needed.

In reaching deep down into my own positive thinking and self-discipline I was able to reach goals I never thought possible.

While I am still a strong believer that Self Affirmations are very important, going on the Walk to Emmaus weekend has made me realize that there is something even larger and more effective than our own thoughts and dreams. That something being God's love for us, and His power to make take our dreams and abilities to the next level.

Through a series of talks over the weekend, it occured to me that for so long I had been only reaching inside to gain motivation for achieving my goals. When all this time I should have been also reaching OUT to God. He can do such amazing things for us, and throughout my training, I had not been keeping that in the front of my mind, but rather in the back. Only calling on him when the going got tough and I thought I couldn't do it alone.

Now He is front and center in my mind and my heart, and I know that together we can do amazing things! I am excited to be His instrument and disciple and can't wait to see what he has in store for me.

Okay one more tidbit from the weekend before I wrap up this post....for all you Christians out there...there was something said this weekend that I have not been able to get out of my mind and I need to share it with you.

"My Christians brothers and sisters, know that you may be the only Bible some people ever read. Out of 100 men, only 1 will read the Bible. The other 99 will read the Christian."
I took some time off from training this weekend, so it is back to the plan this week! After all, I have The Page to lead the way! LOL.
Love yall!

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