Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Git Up 'N Go

This morning was a lovely 5-miler with Bex! It felt soooooo good outside, I can tell Fall is on the way! It was nice and breezy, about 75 degrees, and there were even a few leaves on the ground.

Fall is my favorite season because of football, mild weather, and most of birthday. October 25th. Please mark your calendars. hee hee.

Anyway, last night I did an easy 3.3 miles on the treadmill and Legs on Fire workout. Then followed it up this morning with an outdoor fiver and Cocktail Dress Arms.

I love following my outdoor runs with outdoor workouts. It's nice to spend some time outside, knowing that I have to spend the majority of the day in a windowless office.

So over the last few months I have really just been coasting along. After the Triahtlon I was a little burned out, and quite frankly, flat-out TIRED.

I was tired of a rigerous training schedule, tired of counting points, tired of early mornings, tired of being sore, tired of having dry hair (chlorine will do that to ya!), tired of LIVING BY THE CLOCK. Just plain tired.

Don't get me was all well worth it when I crossed that glorious finish line, but it was unrealistic for me to continue the schedule I was keeping. That being said, over the last two months I have just been 'getting by' with my workouts and sorta-kinda watching what I eat.

Well, it's that time again.


Yesterday I registered for the St. Jude Half Marathon that will take place on Saturday, December 4th. I am pumped up because I have only heard wonderful good things about this race.

Some of you might be thinking, "Why a half-marathon? You've already done one, AND you've done a triathlon? Why not a FULL marathon?"

Well, I'll be honest here. A marathon scares me and I simply have no desire to run that far. Sure, at first the thought of a triathlon was daunting but I trained for it and completed it. I simply have no desire to run for 26.2 miles, or four hours or however long it would take me.

I made the decision not to step it up to the full, because I want to enjoy my training time. I want to look forward to race day. I want to train while having fun.

And I feel like with the pressure of 26.2 miles looming over me I wouldn't be able to enjoy it, and if I don't enjoy it I simply will not do it.

So there you go.

There's my thought process.

That being said, let the training begin!

3.3 miles on the treadmill ain't gonna cut it. 5 mile 'long runs' ain't gonna cut it (for much longer). Half-assed arm and core workouts ain't gonna cut it. Replacing a workout with washing the car DEFINITELY ain't gonna cut it. The time is now. Time to GIT UP 'N GO!

So in the next few days I think I am going to work on a page titled 'The Road to St. Jude' and include the training schedule that I've made up for myself.

Of course I'll also update all progress in my regular posts but I thought it would be fun and helpful to add a page as well.

So I have about 13 weeks until the race, which I KNOW is PLENTY of time to prepare and have a fun, successful half marathon.

I will need lots of support and encouragement over the next few months because as you might remember, my running buddy went and got herself knocked up.

So when it's time for the solo 8, 9, 10 milers I'll need all the positive energy and prayers I can get!

I promise I'll be honest with yall about my training progress (I always am...what good is a blog if your author isn't honest?), and in return I NEED YOU!!!! I need you to hold me accountable and keep me going full steam ahead.

Thank you in advance for your help in this matter. :)

Have a great Wednesday everyone!

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