Sunday, September 26, 2010

Weekend 5K

I wrote and (thought) I posted this yesteray, on Sunday, but my laptop was actin' whonky so I guess it didn't. Well, here it is. You'll have two posts on this Monday! :)

Happy Sunday blogosphere!

It is an awesome day here in the Delta....only like 65 degrees this morning and peeeeerrrrrrfect for doing something outside. I think I am going to go out into the deer fields with Tom later. Hunting season officially opens next weekend.
So yesterday I was up bright and early (around 6:30) to go to the Wet Nose 5K. I was worried I'd bail because getting up so early on a Saturday is NOT my cup of tea. But Tom had to work a half day yesterday so he was up early too. That definitely helped. We left the house at the same time around 6:45.

Because of said early morning, I was out the door without my camera. Typical.

The race was really fun. They had a bunch of rescue-able dogs there, and many of the participants brought their dogs, too. There was a 5K for human runners, and a 1 mile walk for doggie runners. I debated bringing Reba but I think she's pregnant. See, we never actually witnessed any baby making from her and Rascal, but they were alone a lot. And she is gaining weight here and there.

Plus she's eating more, and she just has that glow. Ha! So I decided against it becuase I really wanted to run the 5K and it seemed silly to drive all the way to Memphis to walk 1 mile.

*Anyway* there were only about 150 participants in the 5K, so it was a very small race. The registration and start line were at Bert Ferguson Park and Community Center in Memphis. The community center was really nice, and the park was HUGE with lots of playground equipment, soccer and baseball fields, and a big, 1-mile track around it. The first 2 miles of the course were through residential areas, and the last mile was around the track.

I was feelin' kind of funky yesterday morning so I was worried I would have a bad run. It was a hard one for me, and I actually had to take a short walk break at mile 2. I think that is the first time I've ever had to walk during a 5K race. Or any 3 mile run for that matter!

I finished in 29:26. Only 27 seconds away from a PR! My previous PR was 28:59. I was bummed because if I had only taken 9 seconds off per mile I would have PR'd! Hate it when that happens.

Here are my mile splits:

Mile 1: 8:26
Mile 2: 9:00
Mile 3: 11:59 (horrible!)

Clearly I ran out of steam early on and did not pace myself well. O-well. Lesson learned. It was a fun race for a good cause and I will definitely do it again next year. Maybe next year I can take Reba and someone to hang out with her while I do the 5K, then we can do the 1-mile doggie walk together. She would have really liked it.

I spent the rest of the day being the laziest I have ever been in my life and it was lovely. Tom came in from working on the deer fields and we went to Mexican for dinner and to watch football.

Okay and get this....we slept until NOON today! Don't ask me how. We each only had a couple drinks with dinner so it wasn't like we were crazy drunks or anything! We slept for literally like 13 hours. Must have really needed it!

After our hibranation, I made brunch of smoothies and omlettes. I used pre-packaged frozen berries for my smoothie this morning and it was so good! Be sure to get the no sugar added to avoid a bunch of crazy calories:
As always, my smoothie ingredients were:
  • 1 cup frozen berries
  • 1 1/2 cup 1% milk
  • 1 pack sugar-free hot cocoa mix
  • big handful of spinach

The result was a creamy, PURPLE smoothie! Delish.

For the omlette....I have never made a successful omlette in my life until this morning! I always do something wrong and just wind up with a pile of eggs and omlette fillings. But today my omlette actually looked (somewhat) pretty.

I decided to just use what I had on hand:

  • eggs (duh)
  • chopped tomatoes
  • goat cheese
  • fresh basil

Heating the eggs over medium.....

Adding the fillings......

Folding the omlette (this is the part that always messes me up)

Brunch is served!

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