Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Neglect is my middle name!

I have been neglecting the blog, neglecting my workouts, and neglecting my home the past few days. I have been so. freakin. busy. with work lately and I absolutely hate that.

For example, I left my house at 4:30 am on Saturday and did not get home until 8:30 that night. Having a day like that will take so much out of you, and I didn't feel like 'myself' until today.

Becaues of said Saturday craziness, it's thrown a wrench in my workout plans. I have not worked out since Thursday. Fatty.

AND our house is Dust City right now. One of the joys of living in a farming community is that when harvest time rolls around the dust never ends. The ground is constantly being overturned and tilled and cut and all this other business and it makes for dusty houses for a few months.

Mine looks like no one has lived in it for like 10 years or something. Sooooo gross.

What's more, since I worked on Saturday I was supposed to have Monday off. Due to some stuff that is out of my control I wound up working on Monday and let me tell you who was NOT a happy camper. I *despise* six-day workweeks, especially when one of those days lasts 16 hours.


I have really been beating myself up for missing so many workouts due to such a hectic, abnormal schedule. But I have had to adjust my thinking to know that it is better for my body in the long run not to over do it. There is a difference in pushing yourself, and watching for those red flags.

So I say all this to let yall know I have not fallen off the face of the earth, and will be back shortly once I can get my life together.

Hopefully I'll have a fun, photo-filled post ready for Thursday.

Love you bloggies, I'll be back soon!

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