Sunday, September 26, 2010

Typical Day in the Delta

Happy Monday Morning!

Okay let me go on a little tangent real quick....

Tom brought to my attention that sometimes in my post title, the date says Sunday but I'll mention in the post that it's Monday. As you can see this is the case with this post. Blogger automatically dates the post on the date that you started the post. Because I usually upload my pictures the night before, and publish the next day, this happens frequently.

Does anyone know how to change this at all? It really gets on Tom's nerves. Ha!

Speaking of Tom....

He and I spent the entire day together yesterday working on his deer fields since hunting season begins on Friday morning.

Here I am, ready to go! I brought this fanny pack to hold my camera and chap stick and some granola bars to eat. We were in those woods for a long time and I wanted to be prepared! Tom made fun of me but the pack came in very handy if I do say so myself.

Notice it has a place to hold your beer. Ha!

Look at the beautiful cotton fields! These are ready to be harvested, so by Friday these fields will probably be picked clean, back to just plain 'ole dirt!Whenever we ride four-wheelers and go out in the woods and do all that outdoorsy stuff, I always wear my reeeeeealllllly old cowgirl boots.
How old, you ask? I got these boots FOR MY 13th BIRTHDAY! That makes them 7 years old! Ha ha, just month I will have had these boots for 15 years. We've been through a lot together.
Into the woods we go.....On the four-wheeler...I love this face on Tom.
No this one, so much. Guess he was 'over' having his picture taken.
So the mission of the day was to put up some tree stands in preparation for next weekend.
The stands start out like this, just like a plain 'ole ladder:
You link them all together before putting them on the tree:
Pick out a good tree:
And go to work securing the ladder by climbing up it and strapping it to the tree along the way:
Once the ladder is secure, you take your stand up and attach it to the top. This stand will be about 20 feet up:

Ta-Da! Good job, Tom. What a monkey you are.
We did this on two different trees in two different spots. We also changed out the memory cards and batteries on three different cameras Tom had set out.
A lot goes into this sport! Tom and our brother-in-law Brian have done soooooo much work getting their fields ready for hunting season!
For all of our hard work we were rewarded with this at the end of the day:
A great way to end the day! I had fun helping Tom. I figured since he has been my handy-dandy equipment manager on many occasions, I could be his for once. :)
Have a great week everyone!

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